sábado, 27 de abril de 2013



In Bakkeskolen I have checked how the process of learning  go hand by hand with the CREATIVITY.

In this space, the children are not afraid of going wrong. They are preparing to the real life with their pedagogues. The professionals respect the mistakes as part of the development of each child. This is part of the process of growing up the own personality and creativity.

In SFO, children work in their way. They learn by themselves, of and with the others. In this environment the pedagogues are COACHES. Their function is not control all the things and all the time. What they do there is just to work in team with the same goal which is impulse the responsibility and freedom in  the kids.

The space is organised in the next diverse rooms:

  • Creative room
  • Kitchen
  • Games room
  • Nature room

The children who assist to this service are divided in three groups (white, pink and brown) depending on the age, with their specific pedagogues. However, most of the time they are all together and change of place where they enjoy the time with total freedom. Because more freedom means more identity.

But, look at this: 

Here you have the name of all the children in the colour of their determinate group, the  diverse rooms and also the picture of the pedagogue who is there. The parents of everyone come at different hours, then the child should put her/his name in the room where they will be. Then, it is a easy way that the parents know in which place  and with who he/she are exactly. This is a practical example of training responsibility and freedom with the kids.

One of the protagonist of my school experience in Bakkeskolen has been the GAME. I have experimented the Active Learning. Playing games allow apply the knowledge using the own experienceWith the game they learn to live and feel all their body, in other words, they don´t see the body as a way of transport of their heads. 
I check in my own life that in the school we only live from our waist to our head and after in the high school from the neck and university we start to live only in the heads. In my opinion, it is sad... we lose creativity, integration, affection. We need our entire body to connect with oneself, the others and the world. I believe that a practical vision of the world can bring one critical reform for the educational system: diversity, dynamism and unity.

I have learned the power of the no verbal communication using the entire body. With movements, paintings, games ad songs you can connect with the children. With this way of relation I could participate and play interactively. 

It was interesting see the rules to create the limits necessaries for a healthy development of the child. For example; They couldn´t speak during the lunch time. The pedagogue clapping the hands indicates that the moment starts and they only raised the hand to ask something for help to one of the teachers while the other told one story.

 All of this was possible thanks a good educative team with fluent communication and the trust of the families and children of course. Another important element in this SFO is the love and affection between each others to achieve an inclusive service.

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